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27th – 29th August 2019.
Senator Albert Bassey (OBA) Hall – Opposite Sun Centre, EHE, Uyo, Akwa Ibom State



The recent findings from the National AIDS Impact and Indicator Survey(NAIIS) has shown a significant drop in HIV prevalence from 5.8% in 2001 to 1.4% in 2019. According to current estimates, Nigeria has about 1.9 million people living with HIV/AIDS. A key lesson learned from this survey report is that leadership works. The bold leadership and focused intervention by the government, civil societyorganisations, development partners and donor agencies have been largely responsible for the successes achieved so far as evidenced by the decline in HIV prevalence at the national level and across the states. Another lesson learnt is the fact that Nigeria’s HIV/AIDS burden and related data might have been largely overestimated and with accurate data now available to inform program planning, there is a ray of hope that Nigeria’s HIV/AIDS Epidemic is not insurmountable. Conversely, there are pointers to the fact that with the right leadership actions, the HIV/AIDS epidemic can actually be brought to an end such that HIV/AIDS will no longer constitute a public health and development challenge for Nigeria.

As we prepare for the last putsch to end the epidemic in Nigeria, what does this portend for leadership? What leadership actions are required now? How have we fared in terms of leadership for the response over the past two decades and what lessons can we learn to inform a revision of our response plan and priorities? How does the leadership of the health care system at al levels affect the HIV/AIDS response? What about universal health coverage issues and how are they related to leadership and coverage of the national response interventions. And finally, what can we do differently going forward as a nation, and at the state, local government and at the community levels.

Leadership is a very important issue not only in the global response to HIV/AIDS but all facets of human endeavor in all the countries of the world. Defined as the capacity to inspire people to action, leadership involves action in it entirety. People, organizations and societies cannot develop if leadership is weak. The achievements of the national HIV/AIDS program over the past years are indicative of what can happen when there is a sound and effective political leadership. While some states have recorded remarkable progress in the response, progress has been slow in others. There are persistent complaints that things could be better and we have continued to berate the leadership for not doing enough to provide access to quality HIV/AIDS services.

We are at stage in the response where there is incontrovertible evidence that the right type of leadership at all levels is positively correlated with the reduced HIV prevalence and mortality. What is required is that people at the management level of planning and implementing programs are critically aware of the situation and engage in corresponding actions that will achieve results for individuals and our communities.

Therefore this workshop is aimed at reviewing the progress made in the national response to HIV/AIDS in Nigeria, the quality of leadership at the national, states and local levels, and how the various actors can be assisted to bring about the best leadership potentials and take appropriate actions that that will see to the end HIV/AIDS epidemic in Nigeria.

We now know that this is possible because looking back over the last couple of years,we had almost lost hope that something positive and life changing could come out of the activities geared towards fighting HIV/AIDS.This was due to the exponential increasein the rate of new infections; PLWHAS were dying in their thousands due to non-availability and non-accessibility of ARVS and care and support for the patients.  Today, the situation around the world is different and largely attributed to the vision and persistence of global HIV/AIDS stakeholders. We now know that legislation and policies alone cannot address this challenge but to ensure that the right type of leadership exists to translate policies and legislations into concrete action. This workshop is therefore an avenue to continue to explore the options of sustaining a leadership approach that will enable individuals to better appreciate themselves and take a personal stand to construct a different future to deal the final blow on the epidemic of HIV/AIDS in Nigeria.Very importantly, the workshop  is a step towards further enhancing access to HIV/AIDS prevention services through capacity building in line with UHC’s goal of ensuring that all people have access to needed health services of sufficient quality while also ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial hardship




To develop the capacity of health/HIV/AIDS program managers and focus their skills for effective response to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in the context of universal health coverage (UHC).

Key areas to be explored include:

  1. Human rights
  2. Leadership and Capacity development
  3. Development, Planning and implementation
  4. Advocacy, Policy and Communication

The objectives of the workshop are to

  1. Review and appraise Nigeria’s health care system, universal health coverage and the HIV/AIDS response and identify existing gaps, leadership issues, challenges, opportunities of interest to leadership.
  2. Examine various management and leadership models in health care generally and in HIV/AIDS program management in particular and how best the gaps and challenges identified in (1)can be addressed.
  3. Assess the policy and political environment with special reference to health care leadership and HIV/AIDS and how to build an enduring and supporting policy environment for the response
  4. Determine the level of current involvement of PLWHAS and the communities in implementation of HIV/AIDS programs and how PLWHAS network and community groups and civil society can be strengthened to contribute effectively to HIV/AIDS programs
  5. Share knowledge and experiences and help develop in participants effective leadership qualities and skills to enhance their performance in programming for health and HIV/AIDS at both National and local levels.
  6. Design measures to initiate follow-up action to achieve the work shop objectives and the SDG 3 goals especially in the prevention, care, support and treatment, impact mitigation and reduction of vulnerability.




  • Concepts and Principles of Leadership, Management and Universal Health Coverage
  • Leadership Models, Transformational Leadership Visioning and Positive Leadership
  • Leadership Crisis and Challenges for Leadership in the National Health Care System
  • Organizational Assessment Exercise
  • Program Management and Leadership Issues affecting the implementation of the national HIV/AIDS Program
  • Managing and developing Human Capacity and building teams for Effective Health Care/HIV/AIDS Program management
  • Funding, Resource mobilization and Financial Management Issues
  • Overview of the National HIV/AIDS Program and the Leadership Challenges
  • The Role of Program Managers in implementing HIV/AIDS services
  • Scaling up HIV/AIDS services: Management and Leadership Issues.
  • Improving access to HIV/AIDS services through effective monitoring and evaluation system
  • The Advocacy Role of Program Managers
  • The Role PLWHAs and Community groups in managing HIV/AIDS services
  • Strengthening Communication and Interpersonal Relations skills of Program Managers
  • Health Insurance, Social Protection and other Welfare Issues:  The Role of Program Managers
  • Leadership Inventory Exercises




  1. Chief Executives and Administrative Directors of relevant establishments in public and private sectors
  2. Program/desk officers in institutions and organizations in the public and private sectors implementing HIV/AIDS programs (NACA, SACA, LACA etc)
  3. All health care professionals involved in service delivery of all national programs, primary health care, HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, Family Planning-etc, care, support, treatment, policy and education.
  4. Relevant officers from NGOs and the Civil society
  5. PLWHAs
  6. Representatives from relevant health training schools, research institutes and universities and colleges
  7. Other major stakeholders who are interested in HIV/AIDS and universal coverage health leadership issues




Resource persons will be drawn from academia, the medical profession, highly placed researchers in health and HIV/AIDS leadership and management. Donor agencies and international development partners, representatives of government and Non-governmental organization will also give presentations




Certificate of Participation




Early Registration/A4 members registration on or before 31st  July, 2019:  N30,000 (Thirty Thousand Naira)

Standard Registration 1st – 15thAugust, 2019:  N35,000 (Thirty five thousand Naira)

Late registration from 16th – 20th August, 2019: N40,000 (Forty Thousand Naira)

Registration covers admission to master class lectures and skills training, training materials on CD, lunch, tea breaks. Hotel accommodation is not covered and participants are to arrange their accommodation in Uyo. If you need assistance with arranging accommodation or hotel list, please call ACHL on the number provided below.

To register, transfer or pay appropriate registration fee at the bank,  to Africa Centre for Health Leadership, Account Number 0041526029, Diamond Bank (Now Access Bank). Then go on the ACHL website ( and follow the link to register and also send a message with evidence of payment to

For detailed workshop concept note and further information, go to;  enquiries and questions about the Masterclass, please call ACHL workshop focal person on 07011496566

Register for ACHL Course/Workshop/Seminar

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